modular village

Parade 78 is a modular village that integrates music, circus, street art, visuals and rides, designed to be both an individual and collective experience.
Even before being a physical place, P78 is necessarily a mindset: the evolving thought, the ever-changing imaginary.


The Inaccessible core of the village, directs the entire project! Blondie is a tiny caravan, born 1978. Exactly in the year that Blondie threw out One way or another: perfect expression for Parade 78. Blondie is the trait d’union between the traditional horse-drawn carriages and modern control rooms from the great multimedia shows. An old look for a hyper-technological soul!


The gigantic Spikey,  among all freaks that hang around P78, is without a doubt the undisputed representative. A giant puppet dressed entirely of mirrors and lights! His thousand lights are the obvious evolution of the first electric dancers that amazed the audience of side shows, mixing art, beauty and science. His head, a mirrored sphere, recalls the style of Disco 70, in contrast with his luminous body that brings us back to the neon of dystopian science fiction of the 90s.

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